Friday, August 30, 2013

Five for Friday

1. I've been thinking a lot about this space and how I want to be brave enough to use it. 2. Marathon training, round two, has been so.much.more difficult than round one. 3. I don't like not being sure absolutely sure I can accomplish something (like finishing a marathon). I have been so stressed about my long runs and my mental state, that I finally decided on my run yesterday morning that I would switch to the half-marathon. I had a moment of regret before I clicked the button but I am excited to refocus and set some half-marathon goals. As for the marathon, I'll be back someday. 4. Speaking of morning runs, I had time for two this week. I've barely run in the morning at all this summer due to family committments. It's so, so nice. 5. It's Labor Day weekend! I'm looking forward to (A) the start of college football, (B) some boating, (C) relaxed running and bike rides, and (D) seeing W (he's been at the grandparents for a few days).

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